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the company that CARES

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About Us

QIMRA is not just an international recruitment company. It is a family that emanates inner wellness and satisfaction in life. It is not just a money maker; we embody the love for humanity.

QIMRA Team is a combination of professionals who have had wide experience in recruitment activities of variety of workers from various countries and they are Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) themselves. The Team made comprehensive feasibility study in eight years, mapping the ups and downs of the recruitment business, noting the success and failures of many recruitment agencies, and mastering the rules and regulations according to the labor laws and other government agencies of the Republic of the Philippines.

“QIMRA” is a Tibetan word which means pleasing, agreeable manner or doing or dealing; pleasant, delightful, agreeable, charming. Hence, our company is a pleasing recruitment agency, having agreeable manner of doing business with principal/employers and of dealing with the OFW. Our employees are pleasant, delightful, agreeable and charming. We are the company that cares.

Meet The Management Team

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Jeanette Gotangogan

General Manager

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Willie delos Santos

Business Strategy Manager

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Deputy General Manager

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Adelyn Broquiza

Operations Head

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The Recruitment Team

2018-09-13 QIMRA Organizational

Licenses, Permits, Clearances, Registrations, Certifications

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